Search code examples

Dynamic drop-down based on Index & Match variable

I have a relatively simple search (no index keys possible) for a license plate in a log using cell A15. To the right cells, B15 and C15 auto-populate perfectly using index and match functions.

enter image description here

There are only a couple of problems. First, there are times when a different driver might be driving the same vehicle, so a drop down to choose the relative row would be good. Note that at least 3 people are driving Frank's truck, yet the only reference we have for search criteria is the license plate.

Huge bonus if someone could explain how I can use the same cells (A15, B15 & C16) with multiple Index & Match functions so that either the license plate OR the name could be used as the criteria to autofill fill the other data.



  • B15:

    =QUERY({A2:C13}, "select Col2,Col3 where Col1='"&A15&"'", 0)


    =QUERY({A2:C13}, "select Col1,Col3 where Col2='"&A24&"'", 0)


    to get unique values only use UNIQUE:

    =UNIQUE(QUERY({A2:C13}, "select Col1,Col3 where Col2='"&A24&"'", 0))