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Order data by datetime Symfony 2

I have an array that contains data. I want to show my data by date (the new data at the head of the list) using the attribute "CreatedAt" which type is datetime. here's my controller:

    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
    $user= $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
    $congesshows = $em->getRepository('appUserBundle:Conges')

    $role = $user->getRoles() ;
    if($role[0]== "ROLE_ADMIN") {
        $congess = $em->getRepository('appUserBundle:Conges')
            ->findBy( array('etat' => 'En cours'))
    else {
        $congess = $em->getRepository('appUserBundle:Conges')
            ->findBy(array('etat' => 'En attente'))

    return $this->render(
        array('conges' => $congess,'congesshows'=>$congesshows)


  • Did you try $congesshows = $em->getRepository('appUserBundle:Conges') ->createQueryBuilder(“c”)->orderBy(“CreatedAt”, 'DESC')->getQuery()->getResult() ; ?