I want to simulate health regeneration in my game in unity, in the function RestoreHealth()
Am I overthinking it by wanting to create a child process, so when I call wait, it won't affect any current running process or thread and the child process will die when the function is done.
public void RestoreHealth() {
if (health >= MaxHealth) return; // health and MaxHealth are Class variables
if (health % 10 != 0) { // if health is not dividable by 10
int temp = health % 10; // then we round it to the closest
temp = 10 - temp;
health += temp;
int i = health;
for (; i < MaxHealth; i += 10) { // where the health grows till 100
health += 10;
// sleep(1000); // make function wait for '1 second' to iterate again
Debug.Log("Health: " + health);
How do I create a child process in C# or unity in this case and cause it to wait?
Is there an equivalent to Fork();
like in C?
Also, this function is called when the player initially receives damage.
note: I changed Health to Armour
public IEnumerator RestoreArmour() {
while (_Armour < _MaxArmour) {
Debug.Log("Health: " + _Armour);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(ArmourRegenRate); // ArmourRegenRate is a
// float for the seconds
and use this to initiate the coroutine
void Start(){
In Unity you work with Coroutines to achieve this asychronous "threaded" behaviour
IEnumerator RestoreHealth() {
while (health != MaxHealth) {
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
and then invoke it with
In order to stop an existing Coroutine from running and start a new one, this is how you would achieve that:
private Coroutine _myCoroutine = null;
void SomeMethod()
if (_myCoroutine != null)
_myCoroutine = StartCoroutine(SomeOtherMethod());
A common functionality is to have something restore armor when player hasn't taken damage for X seconds:
private bool _shouldRestoreArmour = true;
private Coroutine _pauseArmorCoroutine = null;
void Update()
if (_shouldRestoreArmour)
Armor += ArmorRegenerationPerSecond * Time.deltaTime;
void PlayerTakeDamage()
if (_pauseArmorCoroutine != null)
_pauseArmorCoroutine = StartCoroutine(PauseRestoreArmor());
// Take damage code
IEnumerator PauseRestoreArmor()
_shouldRestoreArmor = false;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(RESTORE_ARMOR_DELAY_TIME);
_shouldRestoreArmor = true;
Here the player will regenerate armor at all times, except for X seconds after the player has taken damage. If the player takes damage multiple times we will simply abort the previous coroutine and start a new one, so that it will be a fresh X seconds from the last hit.