I want to add a character ("~ ") to the front of each value of a columnar array, but every formula I've tried concatenates the values into a single cell rather than back to the column array. Do I need to add SPLIT
? What am I doing wrong?
This is what I've tried most recently
=JOIN("~ ",FILTER(Categories!A2:A,LEN(Categories!A2:A)))
=ArrayFormula(TEXTJOIN("~ ",TRUE,Categories!A2:A))
=ArrayFormula(JOIN("~ ",{Categories!A2:A}))
Ultimately, what I would like to see in a single column is:
~ Category 1
~ Category 2
=ARRAYFORMULA(IFERROR(SPLIT(IF(Categories!A2:A<>"", "~ ♦"&Categories!A2:A, ), "♦")))
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(Categories!A2:A<>"", "~ "&Categories!A2:A, ))