I am working for a client who wants a UWP Portal App and a Pac-Man clone game that can be launched from inside the Portal App. I set up the FullTrustProcessLauncher capability in the UWP App to handle launch the exe for the game. I also had to add a post-build item to copy the exe and accompanying data folder to the AppX folder of the build. The FullTrustProcessLauncher fires the exe fine, but I keep getting the "Data folder not found error".
So my questions are this: 1. Why does it keep saying the folder is missing, but it would be right next to it? 2. Is there a better way to do this?
In full disclosure, this is my first app I've created and my first post on StackOverflow.
I want the Pac-Man app to launch like it would from navigating to the folder and launching the exe
Include your EXE (and any required supporting files) as "Content" to your UWP project. Make sure you set them up as "Copy to output". Then you declare the FullTrustProcess extension in the appxmanifest to point at your included EXE, and use the FullTrustProcessLauncher API to launch it from the UWP.
Some more info here: