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How to get average of values in T-SQL from specific table and join it's result with other one?

So basically, I have two tables:

  • STUDENT {IdStudent Int (PK), IndexNr Varchar(10), Year Int, Name Varchar(32), Surname Varchar(64)}
  • MARK {IdMark Int (PK), IdStudent Int (FK), Value Int, Subject Varchar(32)}

and as a first part of this exercise I need to run over them and grab all students from specific year (let's 2) and write out their average mark separately for each one of them.

I wanted to do this through cursor but I'm having troubles with it. Mainly because I can't properly select these average marks using inner join.

For example I would like to return IndexNr and AverageMark.


  • You can do it by joining the tables and then use group by each student:

      s.idstudent,, s.surname
      avg(m.Value) AverageMark
    from student s inner join mark m
    on m.idstudent = s.idstudent
    where s.year = 2019
    group by s.idstudent,, s.surname

    but shouldn't the table mark also contain a year column?