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Binding.scala: bind does not work in a simple example used in Github Pages

I want to use Binding.scala in my Github Pages.

The Problem I have is that the value that I bind is not updated.

Here the example:

  val radiusVar = Var(3.0)

  private lazy val plotly: Binding[HTMLElement] = {
    val radiusVal = radiusVar.bind
    println(s"new radius: $radiusVal") // this part is not executed after updating the radiusVar

    <div class="ui form">
      <div class="field">
        <input type="text" name="radius" id="radius" value={
            <button class="ui button" 
      _: Event =>
        println("radius.value: " + radius.value) // this works
        radiusVar.value = radius.value.toInt

Whenever changing the radius, I expect that println(s"new radius: $radiusVal") is executed.

It works in ScalaFiddle from Yang Bo:

The rendered Page: Github Pages

The whole project: Github


  • The problem was that I included the ..-fastopt-bundle.js more than ones.

    It looks like the second action was called on the other "JavaScript".