This question is not a duplicate
I am scripting in Unity using C# with the build in MonoDeveloper-Tool. When I run the script I got the error message, that the assemblys for framework ".netframework, version=v4.7.1" has not been found. I looked it up on stackoverflow and only found this article: The reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2" were not found
So I downloaded this version, but I can't install it, because I already have the latest version installed from .net framework, which is currently .NET Framework 4.7.2
Is MonoDeveloper in "Unity 2018.3.12f1 Personal" not supporting this version?
Are there ways to upgrade it to make it work?
Or do I have to remove the .net-version, that I have and get an older one to make it work?
The message you are getting is ususally related to scripting backend setting in PlayerPreferences.
Here's a screenshot from 2017
and from 2019
It defaults to 3.5 for new projects, and you need to manually set it to 4.x, than pretty much all features from 4.7 work fine