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onSuccess and onFailure doesn't return anything when they are last statement in def

I am trying to work with collection of futures and having trouble with returning the result from a def based on future status. Below is my code:

final case class StagesToRun(stages : Set[StageRun])
private def processNextStagesAndAccumulateResults(stagesToRun: StagesToRun): \/[Exception, Success] = {
val stageProcessingExceptions = mutable.Set[Exception]()
//processor.process(stagesToRun) => returns a Set[Future[\/[Exception, Success]]] and I am converting it to  Future[Set[\/[Exception, Success]]] in below expression
val processResults = Future.sequence(processor.process(stagesToRun))
processResults.onSuccess {
  case result => { { res =>
        l => stageProcessingExceptions += l,
        r => r
    if (stageProcessingExceptions.isEmpty) Success.right
    else new Exception("Got exception while processing one of the stage").left
processResults.onFailure {
  case ex =>  new Exception(ex.getMessage)).left

Now as per Scala conventions the last statement of my function becomes the return statement of my function. In this function it should be basically the output of if (stageProcessingExceptions.isEmpty) Success and its corresponding else or the outcome of onFailure i.e new Exception(ex.getMessage)). However the compiler keeps on telling me that the return type is unit rather than expected disjunction. Can someone please help me here? Thanks


  • You are absolutely correct when you say that the last statement of the function becomes the return statement. However, if you see the method definition of onSuccess and onFailure, both of them return Unit as the return type.

    From scala docs, signature of onSuccess is

    def onSuccess[U](pf: PartialFunction[T, U])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Unit = onComplete {
        case Success(v) =>
          pf.applyOrElse[T, Any](v, Predef.identity[T]) // Exploiting the cached function to avoid MatchError
        case _ =>

    On similar lines onFailure returns unit.

     def onFailure[U](@deprecatedName('callback) pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, U])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Unit = onComplete {
        case Failure(t) =>
          pf.applyOrElse[Throwable, Any](t, Predef.identity[Throwable]) // Exploiting the cached function to avoid MatchError
        case _ =>

    In your situation what you can do is to apply a map function on the future and instead of onComplete. This will help you to propagate your required type. Also, if you want to handle the condition where your future is failing, you can add a recover block to your future as

     .recover {
              case _ =>
             //whatever type you want to propogate ex: Left()