I'm trying to check out the new MRTK (V2) but I had been having troubles making the build, first on Unity which make me download the Windows SDK 18362, now I'm trying to continue the build on Visual Studio 2017 for testing but it brings me this error:
To deploy this application, your deployment target should be running Windows Universal Runtime version 10.0.18362.0 or higher. You currently are running version 10.0.17134.80. Please update your OS, or change your deployment target to a device with the appropriate version.
My Windows 10 OS is 10.0.18632.30 but my HoloLens its on 10.0.17763.380 and its seems it won't update to a higher version even with Windows Insider enabled.
I expect to test the premade demos of MRTK(V2) on my HoloLens 1. The build on Visual Studio wont pass from the error of incompatible version.
To fix this error you need to update your Build Settings so that the Minimum SDK version is at or lower than your HoloLens OS version. I usually use 10.0.10240.0. You still need to make sure that your target SDK version is “latest installed”. Try doing the following steps: