I have a 3x3 matrix used to linearly transform RGB colors. How can I convert the color space of an RGB image using that matrix? Should I loop through all the pixels and convert them one by one or does a faster way exist?
Assuming that your 3x3 matrix M
is supposed to be multiplied with your pixel value p
as follows:
new_p = M * p;
(with p
a column vector), then you can transform your n
x3 image matrix as follows:
m = 1920;
n = 1080;
img = rand(n, m, 3);
tmp = reshape(img, [], 3); % no copy made
tmp = tmp * M.';
new_img = reshape(tmp, n, m, 3);
Note that here we transformed M * p
into p.' * M.'
, so that we don't need to transpose the image, which would require copying all its data to a new array. Transposing M
is a lot cheaper than transposing tmp
You can do the above in a single line, avoiding the need for the tmp
new_img = reshape(reshape(img, [], 3) * M.', n, m, 3);