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How use the generic optimization program of Octave / MATLAB

I would like to maximize a function a little bit complex with some constraint:

The function is mathematically similar to this one (I write this one to simplify the explanations):

f(x, y, z, t) = arcsin (x/2t)/(y + x +  max (1, z/t))

with z, t between 0 and 1, x between 1 and 2, and y greater than 1/x^2.

Could you give me the code to compute the numerical value for x, y, z and t to maximize this function? From this code, I will derive how the optimisation function should be used.


  • you can use fmincon and minimize the additive inverse of your objective function. your constraint ("y greater than 1/x^2") is nonlinear so you should use the nonlcon argument of fmincon:

    % function definition (minus sign to maximize instead of minimize)
    f = @(x) - asin(x(1)/(2*x(4)))/(x(2) + x(1) + max(1, x(3)/x(4)) );
    lb = [1 -inf 0 0];% lower bound for [x y z t]
    ub = [2 inf 1 1];% upper bound for [x y z t]
    x0 = [1.5 0 0.5 0.9]; % initial vector
    % minimization
    x = fmincon(f,x0,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,@mycon);

    where mycon defines your constraint:

    function [c,ceq] = mycon(x)
    % y > 1/x^2
    % 1/x^2 - y < 0
    c = 1/x(1)^2 - x(2);
    ceq = 0;

    you can also pass an options argument to specify optimization options.