I want to print the size of a matrix/vector in a text print statement. Something like this:
fprintf("The size of the matrix is: %s", size(m))
of course it didn't work and I'm unable to find out how.
I tried this and it worked, but is there a better way to do it?
fprintf('The size of the matrix is: %s\n', num2str(size(p)))
In fprintf, %s is used for strings. You can use num2str or any of the solutions provided.
fprintf('The size of the matrix is: %s', num2str(size(zeros(10,10))))
Edit 10 years later: A much nicer way:
fprintf('The size of the matrix is: %s', regexprep(num2str(size(zeros(10,11,12))),'\s{1,}','×'))
The size of the matrix is: 10×11×12