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MS Access with SQL Server back-end update fails without error

This simple VBA statement does not work as expected:

strSQl = "UPDATE Inventory SET NumberOfBlocks = BlocksReserved, LastUser = 'Me' WHERE InventoryID = 1234;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQl, dbFailOnError + dbSeeChanges

LastUser is updated, but NumberOfBlocks remains unchanged, no error.

If I run this statement in SSMS or as an Access query, it works.

If I use a variable in the VBA statement ..."SET NumberOfBlocks = " & intBlocksReserved & ",..., it works.

Constant works: ..."SET NumberOfBlocks = 555"...

And this one works, too: NumberOfBlocks = (BlocksReserved * 1)

NumberOfBlocks and BlocksReserved are both smallint and not null; the record has a timestamp/rowversion field.

Environment: Access 2016 with SQL 2016 back-end.

Any ideas why my initial statement fails silently? Thanks!

More testing confirms my previous findings:

  1. Created a new Access db, table Inventory: ID (AutoNumber, PK), NumberOfBlocks (Integer), BlocksReserved (Integer), LastUser (Short Text 10)
  2. Created a table in SQL Server:

    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [NumberOfBlocks] [smallint] NULL, [BlocksReserved] [smallint] NULL, [LastUser] nvarchar NULL, [RV] [timestamp] NOT NULL

  3. Set ID as Primary Key, linked SQL table, entered test data in both.

  4. Run exactly the same code on both tables (only changed the table name):

    Dim strSQl As String

    strSQl = "UPDATE Inventory SET NumberOfBlocks = BlocksReserved, LastUser = 'Me';" CurrentDb.Execute strSQl, dbFailOnError + dbSeeChanges


Local Access table: NumberOfBlocks = BlocksReserved, LastUser = 'Me'

Linked SQL table: NumberOfBlocks unchanged, LastUser = 'Me'

More notes:

  • Changing the datatype in SQL Server to int (instead of smallint) did not make a difference.
  • However, explicitly converting the field worked:

    ...SET NumberOfBlocks = CInt(BlocksReserved)...

  • just as

    ...SET NumberOfBlocks = (BlocksReserved * 1)...

I guess, that turns my post from a question to a heads-up...


  • Further tests confirmed that this is a bug in the Execute command under the following conditions:

    • It's an UPDATE statement where one integer field is assigned to another one, such as SET FieldA = FieldB (same numeric datatype)
    • It's a linked table in SQL Server.

    The same SQL statement will work fine

    • with a table in Access or
    • when used in a query.

    Tested work-arounds:

    • Explicitly convert the field: SET FieldA = CInt(FieldB)... (or CLng...)
    • Use any calculation: SET FieldA = FieldB * 1
    • Use a variable: SET FieldA = " & intFieldB