I want to apply multiple filter
in PowerShell script as of now I am able to add only single filter
like below
Get-Childitem "D:\SourceFolder" -recurse -filter "*kps.jpg"
| Copy-Item -Destination "D:\DestFolder"
From the above query I able to to copy only one file kps.jpg
from SourceFolder
to DestFolder
, how can I pass multiple names to copy more than one file?
To filter on more than one condition, use the Include
parameter instead of the -Filter
Get-Childitem "D:\SourceFolder" -Recurse -Include "*kps.jpg", "*kps.png", "*kps.bmp" |
Copy-Item -Destination "D:\DestFolder"
only works if you also specify -Recurse
or have the path end in \*
like in Get-Childitem "D:\SourceFolder\*"
would work faster that -Include
(or -Exclude
) parameters. Filters are more efficient than other parameters, because the provider applies them when the cmdlet gets the objects. Otherwise, PowerShell filters the objects after they are retrieved. See the docs
The downside of -Filter
is that you can only supply one single filename filter whereas -Include
allows for an array of wildcard filters.