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React, Redux, Immutable - cannot access JSON key within mapStateToProps

Hopefully a really simple one (react newbie here!) but I cannot seem to access a specific key within the state property returned from a react/redux/immutable reducer.

Consider the following where I wish to return the value of state.api.authenticated:

function mapStateToProps(state) {
  console.log('DEBUG 1: ', JSON.stringify(state));
  console.log('DEBUG 2: ', JSON.stringify(state.api));
  console.log('DEBUG 3: ', JSON.stringify(state.api.authenticated));
  return {
    authenticated: state.api.authenticated

This returns the following:

DEBUG 1:  {"modals":{},"routing":{"locationBeforeTransitions":null},"api":{"loading":false,"requests":{},"errors":{"last":null},"data":{"articles":[]},"authenticated":true},"articles":{"to_read_count":0},"form":{"signin":{"registeredFields".... (redacted for brevity)

DEBUG 2:  {"loading":false,"requests":{},"errors":{"last":null},"data":{"articles":[]},"authenticated":true}

DEBUG 3:  undefined

So clearly state.api.authenticated IS in the state object and yet I cannot access it!

Any advice much appreciated.

Edit 1: Reducer initial state definition:

const initialState = Map({
  loading: false,
  requests: OrderedMap({}),
  errors: Map({
    last: null
  data: Map({
    articles: List()
  authenticated: false

Reducer setting value:

      return state.set('authenticated', true);


  • SOLUTION: ok, thanks to the comments I found state.api.get worked:

    const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
      return {
        authenticated: state.api.get('authenticated')