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How can I access the fields of a controller class, from a regular class? - JavaFX Gluon

I'm using JavaFX to create Android/Iphone applications by using the Gluon framework.

I know that this type of "how can I get the controller class" question. But this is different.

I know how to get the controller class, but that's is not what I asking for. I asking how I can access the fields from a controller class, without creating any new objects.

Assuming that we have a JavaFX controller class like this:

public class PrimaryPresenter {

    private View primary;

    public LineChart<String, Number> lineChart; // Every time we update the socket, we update the chart too

    public void initialize() {

        primary.showingProperty().addListener((obs, oldValue, newValue) -> {
            if (newValue) {
                AppBar appBar = MobileApplication.getInstance().getAppBar();
                appBar.setNavIcon(MaterialDesignIcon.MENU.button(e -> 


         * Initial stuffs for the lineChart
        lineChart.setTitle("Adaptive MPC");


And I want to access the lineChart object from another class without creating a new PrimaryPresenter controller class. The FXML file is created by Scene Builder.

The reason why I'm asking this question, is because I have another class that loops via a thread and that thread will update the lineChart object in real time.


  • Here is my answer. In every Gluon project, there is a class named GluonApplication and it looks like this:

    package com.gluonapplication;
    import com.gluonapplication.thread.SocketConnection;
    import com.gluonapplication.views.PrimaryView;
    import com.gluonapplication.views.SecondaryView;
    import com.gluonhq.charm.glisten.application.MobileApplication;
    import com.gluonhq.charm.glisten.visual.Swatch;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.image.Image;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class GluonApplication extends MobileApplication {
        public static final String PRIMARY_VIEW = HOME_VIEW;
        public static final String SECONDARY_VIEW = "Secondary View";
        public void init() {
            addViewFactory(PRIMARY_VIEW, () -> new PrimaryView().getView());
            addViewFactory(SECONDARY_VIEW, () -> new SecondaryView().getView());
        public void postInit(Scene scene) {
            ((Stage) scene.getWindow()).getIcons().add(new Image(GluonApplication.class.getResourceAsStream("/icon2.png")));

    To have access to all the fields form the controller classes. Just do this:

    public class GluonApplication extends MobileApplication {
        public static final String PRIMARY_VIEW = HOME_VIEW;
        public static final String SECONDARY_VIEW = "Secondary View";
        private SocketConnection socketConnection;
        private View primaryView; // Add
        private View secondaryView; // Add
        public void init() {
            primaryView = new PrimaryView().getView();
            secondaryView = new SecondaryView().getView();
            addViewFactory(PRIMARY_VIEW, () -> primaryView);
            addViewFactory(SECONDARY_VIEW, () -> secondaryView);
             * This will start the socket connection
            socketConnection = new SocketConnection(primaryView, secondaryView);
        public void postInit(Scene scene) {
            ((Stage) scene.getWindow()).getIcons().add(new Image(GluonApplication.class.getResourceAsStream("/icon2.png")));

    Then in the constructor of SocketConnection. You can acces the fields like this:

         * Constructor
        public SocketConnection(View primaryView, View secondaryView) {
             * For secondaryView
            statusTextField = (TextField) secondaryView.lookup("#statusTextField");
            ipAddressTextField = (TextField) secondaryView.lookup("#ipAddressTextField");
            startSignalModeComboBox = (ComboBox<String>) secondaryView.lookup("#startSignalModeComboBox");
            predictHorizonTextField = (TextField) secondaryView.lookup("#predictHorizonTextField");
            controlHorizonTextField = (TextField) secondaryView.lookup("#controlHorizonTextField");
            sampleTimeTextField = (TextField) secondaryView.lookup("#sampleTimeTextField");
            pwmDutyCallTextField = (TextField) secondaryView.lookup("#pwmDutyCallTextField");
            endTimeOfStartSignalTextField = (TextField) secondaryView.lookup("#endTimeOfStartSignalTextField");
            referencePointTextField = (TextField) secondaryView.lookup("#referencePointTextField");
            portTextField = (TextField) secondaryView.lookup("#portTextField");
             * For primaryView
            lineChart = (LineChart<String, Number>) primaryView.lookup("#lineChart");
             * Declare the data object inside the chart
            time_output = new Series<String, Number>();