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How to check if same random value was called previously in unity?

I am making multiplication sum where int a and int b both are getting values from random.range(1,11). and there are 4 buttons to click correct answer. when correct answer button is clicked i am calling sum creator function again so next sum will appear. My problem is some times i get same question next time. for example first time 2 X 5 and when i recall sum creator again i get 2 x 5. i tried adding value of b to a list then comparing if the value is used earlier if yes then again randomize it.( i am trying to control only duplication of b) But as per my understanding I am assigning single value to b when i call sum creator function. there is no loop because i want only one question at a time. and when i recall the same function it does not remember which value was used previously. How do i solve this? please help.

void SumCreator()
    // we do multiplication here
    bool reloop;
    bool[] numbers = new bool[301];

    List<int> usedValues = new List<int>();
    a = Random.Range(1, 11);
    b = Random.Range(1, 11);
    while (usedValues.Contains(b))
        b = Random.Range(1, 11);

    locationOfAnswer = Random.Range(0, ansButtons.Length);

    answer = a * b;
    numbers[answer] = true;

    if (valueA != null && valueB != null)
        valueA.text = a.ToString();
        valueB.text = b.ToString();
    // mathSymbolObject.sprite = mathSymbols[0];

    for (int i = 0; i < ansButtons.Length; i++)
        if (i == locationOfAnswer)
            ansButtons[i].GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "" + answer;
            // the below code make sure that all the values assigned to the ans button are within the range

            int value = 0;
                reloop = false;
                if (answer <= 10)
                    value = Random.Range(0, 15);
                else if (answer <= 30 & answer >= 11)
                    value = Random.Range(10, 45);
                else if (answer <= 60 & answer >= 31)
                    value = Random.Range(25, 75);
                else if (answer <= 90 & answer >= 61)
                    value = Random.Range(55, 105);
                else if (answer <= 120 & answer >= 91)
                    value = Random.Range(85, 135);

                if (numbers[value]) //already select?
                    reloop = true;

            } while (reloop);

            numbers[value] = true;
            ansButtons[i].GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "" + value;

    }//for loop

Button Script.cs

//method whihc help us to identify if player has pressed correct or wrong answer
public void checkTheTextofButton()

    if (gameObject.CompareTag( MathsAndAnswerScript.instance.tagOfButton))
       // do something                       
       //do something else            

    // if question is answered correct, call the sum creator method to create new question



  • u use Round Robin algo to achieve what u want here. but understanding round robin can be time-consuming.

    u can achieve the same using the code attached below.

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class RandomQuestionGentrator : MonoBehaviour {
        List<int> All_possible_values_of_b = new List<int>();  //List to store all possible value that b can hold;
        void Start ()
            int minRange = 1;
            int MaxRange = 11;
            for (int  i = minRange; i <= MaxRange; i++)    //inserting all possible value of b in list
        void Update ()
            if(Input.GetKeyDown("a"))           //call GenrateNewRandomQuestion when user press correect answer button;
        void GenrateNewRandomQuestion()
            int a = Random.RandomRange(1, 11);      //a can remain random;
            if(All_possible_values_of_b.Count <= 0)     // changing range when all values of b has been used;
            int UsedValueOf_b_InList = Random.Range(0, All_possible_values_of_b.Count);    //accessing remaining values of b in list;
            int b = All_possible_values_of_b[UsedValueOf_b_InList];         //b = some value in list;
            All_possible_values_of_b.RemoveAt(UsedValueOf_b_InList);     //dropping the value of b that is used 
            Debug.Log(a + "x" + b);
        void setnewrange()          //setting new range
            int minRange = 12;
            int MaxRange = 30;
            for (int i = minRange; i <= MaxRange; i++)