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Can't access Webmin from browser - "Cron 15430088014649 missing any time spec"

Webmin has started, but I can't access it from the web. When I restart it, it throws the error I gave in the title. I've tracked the source of the error to this line of code:

If I try to connect to any other port that is not Webmin's, the connection gets immediately rejected, but if I use Webmin's port, I wait and wait until it times out (in the browser, curl stays forever).

Does anybody have an idea of what I can do to fix this?

besto@host:~/tmp$ sudo /etc/init.d/webmin restart
Stopping Webmin server in /usr/share/webmin
Starting Webmin server in /usr/share/webmin
Cron 15430088014649 missing any time spec


  • According to the Webmin Github page, the error has nothing to do with not being able to access Webmin.

    Maybe you're missing the https://