I tried to request data from this server address https://codexpression.github.io/catz/catz.json
using AJAX XMLHttpRequest, but when I tried to console.log
the property value of the text, I keep getting "undefined", please find code below:
function getData() {
let requestObject = new XMLHttpRequest(); //create XMLHttpRequest Object
requestObject.onreadystatechange = function() { //create an onstatechange function
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { //check if request is successful
// myFunction(this)
let convert = JSON.parse(this.responseText)
requestObject.open("GET", "https://codexpression.github.io/catz/catz.json", true); //get the document address and send request
console.log(convert.all) works, however, it returns an array,
You will have to loop through the array to get individual elements and then be able to access the .text, or you target a specific index in the array to get the specific .text
for example
const allCats = convert.all
to access all texts , loop through all cats
for(let i = 0; i= allCats.length; i++){
const cat = allCats[i]
const getTexts = cat.text
to target a specific text in the list of cats