I want to be independent from hosts and their fees with raspberry pi for small projects.
What I'm trying to do
or admin.mydomain.com
What I can do:
What I don't know:
Thank you in advance for your patience
NOTE: Please do not send links which doesn't have full answer and if you do Please provide the rest in your answer
What I know:
I think I should setup a dedicated Raspberry pi for DNS server but for most of these kinds of projects I'm responsible for, there is only one Raspberry pi. So let me know if I can do all in one as well.
You will need to setup "port forwarding" on the router to the raspberry pi. There are lots of guides to doing this on the internet and will likely be specific to your router.
I'm not sure of Spring boot can be configured with HTTPS as I've never used it. However if you use NGINX as suggested below, you can add SSL to the config quite easily.
If you want multiple projects running, look at setting up NGINX and configuring a reverse proxy.
A reverse proxy means that all your sites can have different URLs, but come to the same service / IP address. NGINX will then filter them out and point them on to the correct destinations.
Documentation for reverse proxy: https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/web-server/reverse-proxy/