I have a table as follows:
year_id | loc_id | emp_id | freq
1990 | LA | fred_01| 55
1990 | LA | mury_01| 34
1990 | BA | fred_01| 20
1990 | CA | mury_01| 40
1990 | MO | fred_01| 100
1990 | PR | bill_01| 500
I want everything grouped by the year and loc, but the tricky part is I want to get the sum of all "freq" at each location, then also get the sum of all the employees "freq" that worked at that location, when they're at another location (but not including original loc amount).
Desired results of first two rows:
year_id | loc_id | sum(freq) loc | sum(freq)away
1990 LA | 89 | 160
1990 BA | 20 | 155
I can do one at a time with an INNER JOIN, but when i try to get both sums, everything gets messed up:
select t1.loc_id , t1.year_id,sum(t2.freq),sum(t3.freq) from emp_freq t1
inner join emp_freq t2
on t1.year_id=t2.year_id and t1.emp_id=t2.emp_id and t1.loc_id=t2.loc_id
inner join emp_freq t3
on t1.year_id=t3.year_id and t1.emp_id=t3.emp_id and t1.loc_id<>t3.loc_id
group by t1.loc_id,t1.year_id
order by t1.loc_id,t1.year_id
If i comment out the second inner join, the result for the grouped by loc is correct.
Here is another solution, that uses two levels of aggregation.
First, aggregate records by year, location and employee, with an inline correlated subquery that compute the time spent by the employee this year at another location.
SUM(freq) freq,
(SELECT SUM(freq) FROM emp_freq t1 WHERE t1.year_id = t1.year_id AND t1.emp_id = t.emp_id AND t1.loc_id <> t.loc_id) other_freq
FROM emp_freq t
GROUP BY year_id, emp_id, loc_id
Then, we just need to group once again the resultset, this time without the employee in the non-aggregated columns, to compute the totals:
SELECT year_id, loc_id, SUM(freq) freq, SUM(other_freq) other_freq
SUM(freq) freq,
(SELECT SUM(freq) FROM emp_freq t1 WHERE t1.year_id = t1.year_id AND t1.emp_id = t.emp_id AND t1.loc_id <> t.loc_id) other_freq
FROM emp_freq t
GROUP BY year_id, emp_id, loc_id
) x GROUP BY year_id, loc_id
This demo on DB Fiddle with your sample data returns :
| year_id | loc_id | freq | other_freq |
| ------- | ------ | ---- | ---------- |
| 1990 | LA | 89 | 160 |
| 1990 | BA | 20 | 155 |
| 1990 | MO | 100 | 75 |
| 1990 | CA | 40 | 34 |
| 1990 | PR | 500 | |