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Access extended class from parent class in PHP

I have two classes, class A and class B, i am trying to access class B through a function in class A.

At the moment i am able to do this by creating a new instance of class B inside of the function in class A, but i want to know if there is a way to do this without creating a new instance of class B inside of class A.

Here is an example of what i would want to do:

class a{

    function a(){
        return $this->b();


class b extends a{

    function b(){
        return "It Works!";


$doIt = new a();
echo $doIt->a();


  • From your comment:

    Basically i have class B that works with the database, and class A that connects the users actions on the site to class B. So user does something->class A starts working->Passes info on to class B to add to the database. It did seem that this is not all that possible, but i know there are people with a lot more knowledge than I have so i wanted to see if anyone else knew of some way to do this.

    As you describe: B works with the database, A performs actions (requested by the user). B sounds like some sort of mapper/data access object, while A sounds like a service (I'll refer to BMapper and AService to be more deliberate).

    What you've outlined indicates you are not using PHP inheritance correctly. Inheritance represents "is a" relationships. (Image is a Media, PathMover is an Animator, etc...). While @Malcolm's answer technically works, it is not for your scenario.

    In OOP we would say that BMapper is a dependency of AService. Thus whenever we are calling a method in AService, we would expect it to depend on an instance of BMapper. This relationship is satisfied typically through dependency injection (see: What is dependency injection?).

    class AService {
        private $bMapper;
        public function __construct(BMapper $bMapper)
            $this->bMapper = $bMapper;
        public function doAction()
            return $this->bMapper->performSomethingInDatabase();
    class BMapper {
        public function performSomethingInDatabase()
             * ..whatever
    $service = new AService(new BMapper);

    You can see that we've defined our dependent class's dependency in its constructor, to be satisfied by whoever/whatever is using that class.