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How to show a jagged array in Unity3d inspector?

I want to make a jagged array to order a group of waypoint systems. My problem is that I don't know how to show the jagged array in the Unity inspector so that I can fill the different arrays with the game objects I want (basically, squares of a board game).

The game is a board game with different paths the players can choose from (e.g Mario Party). In order to do so, instead of making a typical lineal waypoint system (from A to B) I thought about making several waypoint systems so the players can 'jump' from one waypoint system to another when they arrive to an intersection. As I wrote, I don't know how to show the jagged array in the inspector so that I can work properly. I tried to put [system.serializable] over the script class, but it doesn't work, the arrays simply don't appear.

public Transform[][] waypointSystems = new Transform[][] 
      new Transform[1],
      new Transform[43],
      new Transform[1],
      new Transform[5],
      new Transform[7]


  • Quick answer: You can't that simple. Muktidimesnional and jagged arrays are not serialized.

    One way could be to wrap one dimension of the array in another class like

    public class TransformArray
        public Transform[] Array;
        public TransformArray(Transform[] array)
            Array = array;
    public TransformArray[] waypointSystems = new TransformArray[]
        new TransformArray(new Transform[1]),
        new TransformArray(new Transform[43]),
        new TransformArray(new Transform[1]),
        new TransformArray(new Transform[5]),
        new TransformArray(new Transform[7])

    Alternatively you can write a [CustomEditor] but that there it gets really complex. You might be interested in this post

    or try to implement your own inspector usig the code snippet from this thread as a Startpoint

    SerializedProperty data = property.FindPropertyRelative("rows");
    for (int x = 0; x < data.arraySize; x++) 
       // do stuff for each member in the array
       EditorGUI.PropertyField(newPosition, data.GetArrayElementAtIndex(x), GUIContent.none);