int (*arr)[5]
means arr
is a pointer-to-an-array of 5 integers. Now what exactly is this pointer?
Is it the same if I declare int arr[5]
where arr
is the pointer to the first element?
Is arr
from both the examples are the same? If not, then what exactly is a pointer-to-an-array?
At runtime, a pointer is a "just a pointer" regardless of what it points to, the difference is a semantic one; pointer-to-array conveys a different meaning (to the compiler) compared with pointer-to-element
When dealing with a pointer-to-array, you are pointing to an array of a specified size - and the compiler will ensure that you can only point-to an array of that size.
i.e. this code will compile
int theArray[5];
int (*ptrToArray)[5];
ptrToArray = &theArray; // OK
but this will break:
int anotherArray[10];
int (*ptrToArray)[5];
ptrToArray = &anotherArray; // ERROR!
When dealing with a pointer-to-element, you may point to any object in memory with a matching type. (It doesn't necessarily even need to be in an array; the compiler will not make any assumptions or restrict you in any way)
int theArray[5];
int* ptrToElement = &theArray[0]; // OK - Pointer-to element 0
int anotherArray[10];
int* ptrToElement = &anotherArray[0]; // Also OK!
In summary, the data type int*
does not imply any knowledge of an array, however the data type int (*)[5]
implies an array, which must contain exactly 5 elements.