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How to divide a string with multiple delimeter, but delimeter is keep include into the array? (VB.NET)

I have a string:

string = ", have a nice day"

Is there a way to split the string with point or comma as delimeter, but only retain the delimeter into the array? (whitespace is separator but is not retain)


which delimeter for regex.split(delimeter) would be preferable?

and this is my code

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim arr As String() = Regex.Split(TextBox1.Text, "[.|\,]") For Each i As String In arr Console.WriteLine(i) Next End Sub

sorry for bad english


  • If you want to split by a dot or a comma, you can update your character class to [.,] because the character class would match any of the listed characters.

    The character class [.|\,] can for example also be written as [.,|] and note that you don't have to escape the comma .

    The use a capture group to keep the delimiters.

    Your final pattern would look like ([.,])

    See the demo

    For example:

    Dim s As String = ", have a nice day"
    Dim arr As String() = Regex.Split(s, "([.,])")
    For Each i As String In arr


     have a nice day