Can LinqToDB store the value of an Enum property as the string value of the Enum instead of the integer value?
public enum OrderType
public class Order
[PrimaryKey, Identity]
public int OrderId { get; set; }
public OrderType Type { get; set; }
How can I get LinqToDB to store "New" or "Cancel" to the database instead of 0 or 1?
Update: Seems the answer for LinqToDB is to set the MapValue attribute on the enum. I had been trying to find where to specify it on the data object.
public enum OrderType
[LinqToDB.Mapping.MapValue(Value = "NEW")]
[LinqToDB.Mapping.MapValue(Value = "CANCEL")]
This will store the specified value on the enum as text in the database.
Seems the answer for LinqToDB is to set the MapValue attribute on the enum. I had been trying to find where to specify it on the data object.
public enum OrderType
[LinqToDB.Mapping.MapValue(Value = "NEW")]
[LinqToDB.Mapping.MapValue(Value = "CANCEL")]