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Why does my triangle stripe have to be connected with previous ones

Hi I been learning webgl these days and tried to make some sort of game out of it.

The stuff I made so far doesn't really make much sense but it has part of the game logic.

Basically I want to move a square around, and within a certain amount of steps, moving the square would result in drawing the current position to be a new square so the previous square gets bigger or longer. And when we reach a certain point, the moving square will erase the last square and it kind of detaches from those previous square.

Here is the demo:

First I allocate enough space on the buffer.

gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 200*4*8, gl.STATIC_DRAW);

Image I have 20x10 square grid of size 400pixel x 200pixel, and it can contains 200 squares at most,for every square I use 4 vertex(triangle-stripes)to draw,every vertex is 8 bytes(2 float),

then I move the center of the leading square, and I use bufferSubDate to send new vertices to the buffer

function setNewBuffer(dir) {
        const newCenter = getNewCenter(dir,previousCenter);
        const newVertices = getNewVertices(newCenter);
        gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBuffer);
        if(index === BREAK_POINT) {
        gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 32*index, new Float32Array(newVertices));
        previousCenter = newCenter;

Right now the issue is, after reaching the break point, only when my square is moving horizontally, it can properly detaches and move by itself, however when I move it vertically it will suddenly connect with those previous squares somehow. I don't understand why.

Could anyone help me with this issue? If any of you have any suggestions for the code, feel free to tell me.


enter image description here

enter image description here


  • You use four point value to draw a rectangle with TRIANGLE_STRIP. TRIANGLE_STRIP will use each three point value to make a triganle: [ABCD] , webgl will draw triangle : ABC and BCD.

    in your code :

    initialVertices = [
        0, 0,
        0, 20,
        20, 0,
        20, 20,

    When I enter RIGHT it will create a new vertices like this(for example , plus 10px):

        10, 0,
        10, 20,
        30, 0,
        30, 20,

    and your code will subbuffer data to add the new vertices data in the buffer , so whole vertices data in the buffer is :

        0, 0,
        0, 20,
        20, 0,
        20, 20,
        10, 0,
        10, 20,
        30, 0,
        30, 20,

    it means the vertices data are [ABCDEFGH] now.

    TRIANGLE_STRIP type will use each three points to draw triangle , so there is 6 triangles will be drawn not 4 : ABC BCD CDE DEF EFG FGH , I think that you just want get : ABC BCD EFG FGH triangles.


    use the degenerate triangle.

    Don't use [ABCD] vertices data directly , you can use [AABCDD] , 6 points data to make a rectangle.

    [AABCDD] -> AAB ABC BCD CDD , AAB and CDD is degenerate triangle , webgl won't draw it. so when you add new rectangle points data like this: [EEFGHH] in the buffer, the whole datas are [AABCDDEEFGHH] , webgl will make them to triangles:


    you will find AAB CDD DDE DEE GHH won't be drawn , so you can get two sperate rectangles: ABC BCD EFG FGH

    Hope you can understand my excellent english