I am using UIkit (https://getuikit.com) on my HTML-app.
Now I'd like to have an icon that shows a badge with a number of new messages.
This icon works fine on my Laptop, but its not shown on the correct position, if I am using the off canvas.
I created a codepen to demonstrate this:
This is my css for the badge:
.tpl-badge-icon {
position: absolute;
top: -50%;
right: 0%;
Click "Click me for Off-Canvas" to toggle the off canvas element.
It's because your .bar-bottom
has a different width with sidebar (width is 270px if you inspect) and affected to li width because it's using percentage. You can fix it by either changing .box-bottom
width from 240px to 270px or
add this class to manipulate sidebar li width :
.uk-subnav.uk-flex.uk-flex-center.uk-child-width-1-5.uk-grid li
width: 52px;