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Isn't a connection the same as a session?

I'm trying to figure when temporary tables are created and deleted.

I thought that a temporary table is dropped at the end of a session, but this test makes me unsure of that.

The connection string has Pooling=true;Maximum Pool Size=50 so there is pooling, with a max of 50 connections.

I run the following piece of code concurrently, 30 jobs at a time. I can see that there are 30 distinct process id values used (which makes me assume that a total of 30 connections are opened and reused) no matter how many times i run the code. So the pooling seems to work.

using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString))
    var insertIds = GetInsertIds(1000).ToList();

    await connection.OpenAsync();

    var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

    await connection.ExecuteAsync(@"
        CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_data
            insertid INTEGER NOT NULL
        );", transaction: transaction);

    const string copyItemSql = @"
        COPY tmp_data(

    using (var writer = connection.BeginBinaryImport(copyItemSql))
        foreach (var insertId in insertIds)
            writer.Write(insertId, NpgsqlDbType.Integer);

    await connection.ExecuteAsync(@"
        INSERT INTO data (insertid)
            SELECT tmpd.insertid
            FROM tmp_data tmpd;
    ", transaction: transaction);


My assumptions where that:

  1. I would get an exception when a connection is taken from the pool and reused, because tmp_data already exists. This does not happen, the code runs just fine.
  2. I could work around this by doing CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp_data .... But then I would have the problem that since tmp_data already exists, there would still be rows from the previous insert. And I would be able to work around that by doing ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS.

So am I wrong about this? Isn't a connection in the pool the same thing as a session? Why doesn't the temp table exist the second time a connection is reused?


  • I looked at Npgsql's implementation, and this is what runs when a connection is returned to the pool:

    void GenerateResetMessage()
        var sb = new StringBuilder("SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION DEFAULT;RESET ALL;");
        var responseMessages = 2;
        if (DatabaseInfo.SupportsCloseAll)
            sb.Append("CLOSE ALL;");
        if (DatabaseInfo.SupportsUnlisten)
            sb.Append("UNLISTEN *;");
        if (DatabaseInfo.SupportsAdvisoryLocks)
            sb.Append("SELECT pg_advisory_unlock_all();");
            responseMessages += 2;
        if (DatabaseInfo.SupportsDiscardSequences)
            sb.Append("DISCARD SEQUENCES;");
        if (DatabaseInfo.SupportsDiscardTemp)
            sb.Append("DISCARD TEMP");
        responseMessages++;  // One ReadyForQuery at the end
        _resetWithoutDeallocateMessage = PregeneratedMessage.Generate(WriteBuffer, QueryMessage, sb.ToString(), responseMessages);

    NpgsqlDatabaseInfo.SupportsDiscardTemp is set like this:

    public virtual bool SupportsDiscardTemp => Version >= new Version(8, 3, 0);

    So you get that behavior whenever you use a PostgreSQL version of at least 8.3.

    You can avoid this reset using the connection string parameter No Reset On Close=true, as commented by Shay Rojansky below, but then you must yourself take care that you leave the session “clean”.