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Check Leiningen Template Version Number

Trying out a new leiningen template. After running the template command, the dependencies + project.clj built as expected.

lein new template-name project-name

However, lein run to start the web server threw a No such namespace error, even though the project.clj had the :main correctly defined, so far as I can tell.

The template was not a project dependency, so it was not immediately obvious to me if the template was broken or some sort of path issue on my end.

I think I fixed my bug deleting the project and rebuilding with the lein -U update flag, but am still curious how to check the template version number.

How can I check the version number of the template that lein new is running?

I looked in lein help new and found how to specify a version but not how to check the one being used.


  • Leiningen templates are installed in your .m2 directory. So you could just cd ~/.m2/repository/template-name. There you should see directories named by the versions you have installed.