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Email addresses not showing in query when using LIKE '_@_%' - POSTGRE SQL

I'm cleaning some user data and am trying to find any emails that were input into the "First Name" column. Ideally, I would run a simple function and any field with "@" in it will appear.

The code I'm using to find emails is

SELECT * FROM "Import File"
WHERE "First Name" LIKE '_@_%';

I got 0 results, so I tried

WHERE "First Name" LIKE '_@_%'
OR "First Name" LIKE '__@_%' 
OR "First Name" LIKE '___@_%'

and so forth.

The problem is I get a different number of results for each OR LIKE and typing it out every time will be tedious. Is there a faster function for this? (other than copy pasting)


  • In LIKE operations, the underscore character (_) is a single-character wildcard, whereas the percent character (%) is a multi-character wildcard.

    So, to find if a column has an at symbol, you could just use this logic:

    WHERE "First Name" LIKE '%@%'


    WHERE POSITION('@' IN "First Name") > 0