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How to accurately store geolocation data, filter within a radius, and calculate distance?

I write new locations with:

ST_SetSrid(ST_MakePoint(:longitude, :latitude), 4326)

They get saved under "profile".location:

SRID=4326;POINT(-75.1234 35.1234)

I try to filter profiles within some :radius in meters where :ownLocation is some location string that consists of a bunch of numbers:

ST_DWithin("profile".location, :ownLocation::geometry, :radius)

Then when I get the results back and calculate their distance with: ST_Distance( ST_Transform("profile".location::geometry, 3857::int), ST_Transform(:ownLocation::geometry, 3857::int) ) as distance

and convert the distance from meters to miles, my results are a bit off. Let's say I set a max radius of within 10 miles - the distance I get back seems anywhere from 0-23 miles (would expect 0-10 miles).

I am wondering where I am going wrong here, and have a feeling it may have to do with projections, or I am using the functions incorrectly.

Update after solution: store as 4326, display distance as 3857

store as 4326:

ST_SetSrid(ST_MakePoint(:longitude, :latitude), 4326)

filter using geography type so it can accept filter radius as meters that users will pass in:

ST_DWithin("profile".location::geography, :ownLocation::geography, :radiusInMeters)

display distance from 4326 to 3857 meters with correction (

ST_Transform("profile".location::geometry, 3857),
ST_Transform(:ownLocation::geometry, 3857)
) * cosd(42.3521) as distance


  • 3857 is not suitable for computing distances, as it introduces important distortions as you move away from the equator.

    Instead, you can use ST_Distance using the geography datatype:

    ST_Distance("profile".location::geography,:ownLocation::geography) as distance

    Regarding st_dwithin, it uses the projection unit, which is degrees, not meters. You can also use the geography datatype here.