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Where can i see the log written by uisng Gauge.writemessage()?

Just now i am started switching from testNg to Gauge framework for many reasons, now my question is where i can find the log which was written by using Gauge.writemessage inbuilt method. Or else is there any way to customize the location for the sam.?


  • Gauge.writeMessage api allows you to push messages to the reports at logical points.

    For example, the step implementation below

        @Step("Vowels in English language are <vowelString>.")
        public void setLanguageVowels(String vowelString) {
        Gauge.writeMessage("Setting vowels to " + vowelString);
            vowels = new HashSet<>();
            for (char ch : vowelString.toCharArray()) {

    yields this html report:

    Gauge html report with message