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Gauge framework - information about test failure in runtime

I'm using python and Gauge framework. I need to perform some action in @after_scenario only when scenario fails.

I've tried to dig in the framework in search of related property and I found following one:


After printing it on a console in after_scenario I woud expect true/false, but instead of this I can see:

<property object at 0x000002600477F060>

Could you please explain me why is that and what can I do to get simple true/false?


  • You need to be looking at the current execution context. Example: print(context[.specification | .scenario].is_failing)

    Python code for getting whether the current specification and current scenario is failing.

    def after_scenario_hook(context):
        print(f'Specification is failing: {context.specification.is_failing}')
        print(f'Scenario is failing: {context.scenario.is_failing}') 

    Same, but Java.

        public void afterGaugeScenario(ExecutionContext context) {
            System.out.println("Specification is failing: " + context.getCurrentSpecification().getIsFailing());
            System.out.println("Scenario is failing: " + context.getCurrentScenario().getIsFailing());