I have 75,000 files for a karaoke system. For each song there's the music (.mp3
) and the lyrics (.cdg
). So, for each song there are two files.
Artist - SongName [Karaoke Brand1].mp3
Artist - SongName [Karaoke Brand1].cdg
The issue is that some songs have many versions (5-10). Brand1
is the best, so I've just used standard windows search to filter all files of that brand and cut them and pasted them manually which gave me 25,000 files in the new curated older.
But there are a lot of songs in the original folder that Brand1
doesn't have a version of. I prefer Brand2
and Brand3
in this case, but not every song is done by both. Regardless every song is at least done by one or the other.
I want to loop through all remaining MP3 files in (no need to look at ALL since the .cdg
s are the same name with a different extension):
and and take the filename BEFORE the square brackets [wildcard?] and see if I already have a version of it in:
If there is do nothing and move to next file.
If there isn't move Brand2
if it exists (full filename .mp3
AND .cdg
) to D:/Karaoke/Curated
If Brand2
doesn't exist, see if Brand3 does and use that one instead
The file naming is the same for all Brands, just the text inside the brackets [Brand]
will be different.
EDIT what i've come up with so far
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%i in (*.mp3) do (
for /f "tokens=1 delims=[" %%a in ("%%i") DO (
REM get "checkable name first"
REM echo %%a
set checkName=%%a
REM echo !checkName!
echo !checkName!
Here is a possible solution according to your requirements:
@echo off
cd /d "D:\Karaoke\All"
for %%A IN ("*.mp3") do (
for /f "delims=[]" %%B IN ("%%~nA") do (
dir /A "D:\Karaoke\Curated\%%B*" >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
if exist "%%B[Karaoke Brand2].mp3" (
move "%%B[Karaoke Brand2].*" "D:\Karaoke\Curated\"
) else (
if exist "%%B[Karaoke Brand3].mp3" (
move "%%B[Karaoke Brand3].*" "D:\Karaoke\Curated\"