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Python - Finding the linear equation of a line in a image

I am using Python v2.7 for this work. As an input i have a relatively white image with a clear black line on it. The line is always linear, no polynomial of second or above order. The line can be anyway on the image

I am trying to define the equation of this line in the form of y = ax +b

Currently my approach would be to find which pixel belongs to the line then do a linear regression to get the equation. But i am trying to find out which function in python i need to use to achieve this and this is where I would need some help

Or maybe you have an even simpler way of doing it.

adding one image as example line


  • Okay so i found the way i wanted to do quite simply in the end

    def estimate_coef(x, y): 
        # number of observations/points 
        n = np.size(x) 
        # mean of x and y vector 
        m_x, m_y = np.mean(x), np.mean(y) 
        # calculating cross-deviation and deviation about x 
        SS_xy = np.sum(y*x) - n*m_y*m_x 
        SS_xx = np.sum(x*x) - n*m_x*m_x 
        # calculating regression coefficients 
        a = SS_xy / SS_xx 
        b = m_y - a*m_x 
        return(a, b) 
    # 1. Read image
    # 2. find where the pixel belonging to the line are located
    # 3. perform linear regression to get coeff
    image = []      # contain the image read
    # for all images to analyze
    for x in range(len(dut.images)):
      print "\n\nimage ",x, dut.images[x]
      # read image (convert to greyscale)
      image  = imread(dut.images[x], mode="L")
      height = image.shape[0] - 1
      threshold = (np.min(image) + np.max(image)) / 2
      line = np.where(image < threshold) #get coordinate of the pixel belonging to the line
      x = line[1] # store the x position
      y = height - line[0] # store the y position. Need to invert because of image origine being on top left corner instead of bottom left
      #position = np.array([x,y])
      a, b = estimate_coef(x, y)
      print("Estimated coefficients:\n \
           a = %.6f \n \
           b = %.6f" % (a, b))