I'm doing variable frequency clock on AHDL. Algoritm is: one counter (trigger) counts from 0 to x, and when it reaches x - we have pulse. I have another trigger which is used to store that X. Also I have two inputs plus
and minus
which are used to change frequency (increase or decrease X value).
And I have following code:
constant maximum = 9;
constant minimum = 1;
constant default = 5;
subdesign generator(
plus, minus, clk: input;
pulse, level[3..0], curr_val[3..0]: output;
level[3..0]: dff;
curr_val[3..0]: dff;
level[].d = default; % load 5 as default X value %
end defaults;
level[].clk = clk;
curr_val[].clk = clk;
pulse = (curr_val[] == level[]); % if main counter reached X - send one pulsation %
% main counter %
if curr_val[] < level[] then
curr_val[] = curr_val[] + 1;
elsif curr_val[] == level[] then
curr_val[] = 0;
end if;
% buttons %
if plus then
if (level[].q > minimum) then % if X == maximum ignore button %
level[].d = level[].q - 1;
end if;
end if;
if minus then
if (level[].q < maximum) then
level[].d = level[].q + 1;
end if;
end if;
The problem is - after one tick when I change X (level[]
) value - it goes back to default value. Am I missing something?
Syntax highlighting is wrong since wrong tag. % text %
is commentary.
Found the problem.
The defaults
block works everytime if value was not set. So, if you want to store same value you should set it at every time.