I'm trying to read a QR code with the following libraries:
However it doesn't seem to go well. After several hours I still don't manage to read out a decent QR code. When debugging i apply the texture to see my result. It looks red because of the Texture Y but other than that it shows the QR code. Interpreting the texture doesn't return any data analyzed by ZXing.
This is the following code i'm using for this:
// Update is called once per frame
// BETTER: InvokeRepeating
void Update()
if (!done) {
ARTextureHandles handles = arSession.GetARVideoTextureHandles();
//ARTextureHandles handles = UnityARSessionNativeInterface.GetARSessionNativeInterface().GetARVideoTextureHandles();
if (handles.IsNull())
if (handles.TextureY != System.IntPtr.Zero) {
ReadQRCode (handles.TextureY);
private void ReadQRCode(System.IntPtr mtlTexPtr)
Resolution currentResolution = Screen.currentResolution;
tex = (UnityEngine.Texture2D)GameObject.Find("Camera").GetComponent<UnityARVideo>().m_ClearMaterial.GetTexture("_textureCbCr");
if(barCodeReader == null) {
Debug.Log("Could not find barcorereader");
if(tex == null) {
Debug.Log("Could not find texture");
var data = barCodeReader.Decode(tex.GetPixels32(), currentResolution.width, currentResolution.height);
if (data != null)
Debug.Log("QR: " + data.Text);
Debug.Log("NO QR: " + "No QR code detected !");
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Error reading QR");
After some further digging i came across an example that had something similar for OpenCV.
This proven to work for me with a good speed.
public class FrameCapturer : MonoBehaviour {
// Script Inputs
public bool m_shouldCaptureOnNextFrame = false;
public Color32[] m_lastCapturedColors;
// Privates
Texture2D m_centerPixTex;
void Start()
Resolution currentResolution = Screen.currentResolution;
m_centerPixTex = new Texture2D(currentResolution.width, currentResolution.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
void OnPostRender()
if (m_shouldCaptureOnNextFrame)
Resolution res = Screen.currentResolution;
m_lastCapturedColors = GetRenderedColors();
m_shouldCaptureOnNextFrame = false;
// Helpers
Color32[] GetRenderedColors()
Resolution currentResolution = Screen.currentResolution;
m_centerPixTex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, currentResolution.width, currentResolution.height), 0, 0);
return m_centerPixTex.GetPixels32();
I attached it to the main camera where the AR scripts where also attached under. Then i the qr code reader i could simply use the following:
public class QRCodeReader : MonoBehaviour
public Camera cam;
private BarcodeReader barCodeReader;
FrameCapturer m_pixelCapturer;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
barCodeReader = new BarcodeReader();
Resolution currentResolution = Screen.currentResolution;
m_pixelCapturer = cam.GetComponent<FrameCapturer>();
void Update()
Resolution currentResolution = Screen.currentResolution;
Color32[] framebuffer = m_pixelCapturer.m_lastCapturedColors;
if (framebuffer.Length == 0)
var data = barCodeReader.Decode(framebuffer, currentResolution.width, currentResolution.height);
if (data != null)
// QRCode detected.
Debug.Log("QR: " + data.Text);
//OnQrCodeRead(new QrCodeReadEventArgs() { text = data.Text });
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Error reading QR");
// skip 1 frame each time
// solves GetPixels() blocks for ReadPixels() to complete
// https://medium.com/google-developers/real-time-image-capture-in-unity-458de1364a4c
m_pixelCapturer.m_shouldCaptureOnNextFrame = true;
original source where i adapted this answer to: https://github.com/realityenhanced/ARKitExperiments/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/CaptureCenterPixel.cs