I am retrieving the country of a facebook user as following:
void Get()
FB.API("/me?fields=location{location{country}}", HttpMethod.GET,this.callback1);
private void callback1(IResult result)
if (result.Error != null)
Debug.Log("FB.API result = null");
Dictionary<string, object> dict = Facebook.MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(result.RawResult) as Dictionary<string, object>;
This works fine.
JSON looks like:
"location": {
"location": {
"country": "England"
"id": "111122233344"
"id": "1112299000"
Problem is that the dict
result is like nested dictionary, i can't find straightforward way to retrieve the country name.
I cannot test this end to end, drawing from the docs it should look like this:
var dict = Json.Deserialize(jsonString) as Dictionary<string,object>;
object locationH;
string country;
if(dict.TryGetValue ("location", out locationH)) {
var location = (((Dictionary<string, object>)locationH) ["location"]);
var countryDict = (((Dictionary<string, object>)location) ["country"]);
country = (string)countryDict;