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Rotate a std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> as a rigid transformation?

I have a few 3d points, stored in a std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>. I need to rigidly rotate and translate these points, without changing their relationship to one another. As if moving the cloud as a whole.

Based on this question:

I have this code:

std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> pts, ptsMoved;

Eigen::Quaterniond rotateBy = Eigen::Quaterniond(0.1,0.5,0.08,0.02);
Eigen::Vector3d translateBy(1, 2.5, 1.5);

for (int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++)
    //transform point                   
    Vector3d rot = rotateBy * (pts[i] + translateBy);


When i view the points and compare them to the original points, however, I get this: (White are the original, green are the transformed).


What i expect, is the cloud as a whole to look the same, just in a different position and orientation. What i get, is a moved and rotated and scaled cloud, that looks different to the original. What am i doing wrong?


If i apply the inverse transform to the adjusted points, using:

std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> pntsBack;
for (int i = 0; i < ptsMoved.size(); i++)
    //transform point       
    Vector3d rot = rotateBy.inverse() * (ptsMoved[i] - translateBy);

It gives me an even worse result. (dark green = original points, white = transformed, light green = transformed inverse)

enter image description here


  • Your Quaternion is not a unit-Quaternion, therefore you will get unspecified results. If you are not sure your quaternion is normalized, just write


    before using it. Additionally, if you want to rotate more than one vector it is more efficient to convert the Quaternion to a rotation matrix:

    Eigen::Matrix3d rotMat = rotateBy.toRotationMatrix();
    // ...
    // inside for loop:
        Vector3d rot = rotMat * (ptsMoved[i] - translateBy);

    Also, instead of .inverse() you can use .conjugate() for unit quaternions and .adjoint() or .transpose() for orthogonal Matrices.