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ocl constraint with recursive class

For a little bit of context: a Class can have other Class as Requirement to be taken by a student. The Class is taken by a Student via a ClassGroup which can be ordered in time with its attribute sessionYear.

enter image description here

I want to put an OCL invariable constraint that will check if, for the sessionYear a ClassGroup, its Class Requierement were already taken before this sessionYear.

in other words: sessionYear for Requirement < sessionYear for Class

I tried a quite a few constaints and my closest attempt was this one:

context Etudiant inv C6: if ClassTaken->notEmpty then classTaken->forAll(ct|ct.class.Requirement.OfferedGroup->collect(sessionYear)->forAll(sy| sy < cs.sessionYear)) else true endif

But the problem is, in the forAll(sy| sy->sy < cs.sessionYear), sy won't be the Student required ClassTaken for a ClassGroup, but rather a Bag with every instances of OfferedGroup that are Requirement for it.


  • I ended up doing this something like this:

    context Student
     inv C6: inscription->forAll(insc|ClassTaken.class.Requirement->forAll(prer|inscription->exists(preIns|preIns.ClassTaken.class = prer 
     and if preIns.ClassTaken = insc.ClassTaken then true
      else preIns.ClassTaken.sessionYear < insc.ClassTaken.sessionYear endif)))