In C++ we face 2 problems when writing a recursive function that returns a range
Let me illustrate with sum decompositions. Here is a strict (non lazy) solution
std::list<std::list<unsigned int>> SumDecompStrict(unsigned int n)
if (n == 0)
return { {} }; // the sum of the empty list is 0 by convention
std::list<std::list<unsigned int>> ret;
for (unsigned int k = 1; k <= n; k++)
std::list<std::list<unsigned int>> ll = SumDecompStrict(n - k);
for (auto& l : ll)
ret.splice(ret.end(), std::move(ll));
return ret;
Now I want to convert this into a lazy generator of sum decompositions, by returning a range, which could look like this
auto SumDecompLazy(unsigned int n)
if (n == 0)
return std::ranges::single_view<std::list<unsigned int>>({}); // the sum of the empty list is 0 by convention
return std::views::iota(1, n+1)
| std::views::transform([n](unsigned int k) {
return SumDecompLazy(n - k)
| std::views::transform([k](std::list<unsigned int>& l) { l.push_front(k); return l; });
| std::views::join;
But SumDecompLazy
fails to compile, because of the 2 mentioned problems:
std::ranges::single_view<std::list<unsigned int>>({})
is different from the type of the recursive caseSumDecompLazy
from itselfThis problem is solved in other programming languages, for example by the IEnumerable
type in C#, or its alias seq
in F#. Is there a solution in C++?
C++23 has std::generator
, which allows you to express this as a coroutine, either explicitly looping
std::generator<std::list<unsigned int>> SumDecompLoop(unsigned int n)
if (n == 0)
co_yield {};
for (unsigned int k = 1; k <= n; k++)
for (auto l : SumDecompLoop(n - k))
co_yield std::move(l);
or using range adaptors
std::generator<std::list<unsigned int>>
SumDecompRange(unsigned int n)
if (n == 0)
co_yield {};
co_yield std::ranges::elements_of(std::views::iota(1u, n+1)
| std::views::transform([n](unsigned int k) {
return SumDecompRange(n - k)
| std::views::transform([k](std::list<unsigned int> l) { l.push_front(k); return l; });
| std::views::join);