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Is there a way to achieve currying with a local variable

We need to create a function that would print the results for: console.log(sum(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)());

So this is how I did:

let res = 0;
function sum(a){
    res = res + a;
    return sum; //Return the same function for next chain of actions
    return res;


Is there a way I can achieve this with a local res? the problem I face with making it local is, it just gets reset in the next call.

I see some solutions like this:

function sum(a) {
  return function(b){
        return a;
    return sum(a+b);

But the way I did appears more natural and intuitive to me and I just want to make that work with res as local instead of gloabl.


  • You can make the sum an IIFE and put res in the local scope. After that, when called with no arguments, reset the res to 0 to make it ready for the next call.

    const sum = (() => {
      let res = 0;
      return function (a) {
        if (typeof a === 'number') {
          res = res + a;
          return sum;
        } else {
          const temp = res;
          res = 0;
          return temp;

    It can also be shortened in a simpler but maybe cursed syntax:

    const sum = (res => a => {
      if (typeof a === 'number') {
        res = res + a;
        return sum;
      try {
        return res;
      } finally {
        res = 0;