In eXist-DB 4.4 I have managed to deploy a simple Lucern query with KWIC output as a table.
I have a collection of tei:xml
documents which looks like this sample:
<TEI xml:id="MS609-0001.xml">
<text xml:id="MS609-0001">
<seg type="dep_event" subtype="event" xml:id="MS609-0001-1">
<pb n="1r"/>
<lb break="n" n="1"/>
<date type="deposition_date" when="1245-05-27" cert="high">Anno
Domini M° CC° XL° quinto VI Kalendas Iunii.</date>
<persName nymRef="#Arnald_Garnier_MSP-AU" role="dep">Arnaldus Garnerii</persName>
testis iuratus dixit quod vidit in
<placeName type="event_loc" nymRef="#home_of_Cap-de-Porc">domo
<persName nymRef="#Peire_Cap-de-Porc_MSP-AU" role="own">Petri de Sancto Andrea</persName>
<lb break="y" n="2"/>
<persName nymRef="#Bernard_Cap-de-Porc_MSP-AU" role="her">B<supplied reason="expname">ernardum</supplied> de Sancto Andrea</persName>,
fratrem dicti Petri, et socium eius, hereticos. Et vidit ibi cum eis dictum
<persName nymRef="#Peire_Cap-de-Porc_MSP-AU" ana="#uAdo" role="par">P<supplied reason="expname">etrum</supplied> de Sancto Andrea</persName> et
<persName nymRef="#Susanna_Cap-de-Porc_MSP-AU" ana="#uAdo" role="par">uxor dicti<lb break="y" n="3"/>Petri</persName>. Et
<persName nymRef="#Arnald_Garnier_MSP-AU" ana="#pAdo" role="par"/>ipse
testis adoravit ibi dictos hereticos, sed non vidit alios adorare. Et
<date type="event_date" when="1239">sunt VI anni vel circa</date>.
<seg type="inq_int" subtype="specific_question">Et quando ipse testis exivit<lb break="y" n="4"/>domum invenit
<persName nymRef="#Guilhem_de_Rosengue_MSP-AU" key="inqint" ana="#pIntra" role="ref">Willelmus de Rozergue</persName> intrantem ad dictos hereticos.</seg>
With this function calling KWIC:
xquery version "3.1";
declare namespace tei="";
import module namespace kwic="";
let $query :=
for $hit in collection('/db/apps/deheresi/data/')//tei:seg[ft:query(.,$query)]
order by ft:score($hit) descending
kwic:summarize($hit, <config width="80" table="yes" />)
I get for example these results as a table:
<td class="previous">...ernardum de Sancto Andrea,
fratrem dicti Petri, et socium eius, </td>
<td class="hi">hereticos</td>
<td class="following">. Et vidit ibi cum eis dictum
Petrum de Sancto Andrea et
<td class="previous">...r dicti Petri. Et ipse
testis adoravit ibi dictos </td>
<td class="hi">hereticos</td>
<td class="following">, sed non vidit alios adorare. Et
sunt VI anni vel circa...</td>
What I'd like to do is wrap the text in <td class="hi"/>
in a url that points to the source document viewable on the site. The site logic is quite 'clean', such that the first entry's <td class="hi">
would look like this:
<td class="hi"><a href="http://localhost:8081/exist/apps/deheresi/doc/MS609-0001">hereticos</a></td>
Where the url is a concat of
and the value of the respective result's ancestor node
(which will always be an ancestor node of whatever tei:seg
content is returned in the query).
I note there is a @link
attribute available on the <config>
parameter in kwic:summarize()
, but I don't know how to dynamically get the source document nodes from the returned result in order to fill that in.
Many thanks in advance.
It turns out that the node $hit
allows access to the rest of the source document (or a copy of it in memory). Thus, I was able to build a URL as string using $hit/ancestor
let $doclink := concat("http://localhost:8081/exist/apps/deheresi/doc/", $hit/ancestor::tei:text/data(@xml:id))
Then fed that string into the function parameter @link
kwic:summarize($hit, <config width="80" table="yes" link="{$doclink}"/>)