Hi i have created a tool which launches central troubleshooting apps, but i have recently created another tool ps1 file and i cannot seem to get it to launch from the other tool
function LaunchQuickNotes {
try {
Start-Process -filePath "\\c\s\CAF1\ITSC Second Line Support\Craig Heckles Team\GUI\Admin Tool\QuickNotes Tool\QuickNotes tool - Tier 1.ps1" -
LogWrite "Quick Notes launched"
catch {
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
$wshell.Popup("Unable to launch Quick Notes.",0,"Error",0)
i it seems to just open the .txt file and not launch in powershell.
Any suggestions
instead of
Start-Process -filePath "\\c\s\CAF1\ITSC Second Line Support\Craig Heckles Team\GUI\Admin Tool\QuickNotes Tool\QuickNotes tool - Tier 1.ps1" -
powershell.exe -f "\\c\s\CAF1\ITSC Second Line Support\Craig Heckles Team\GUI\Admin Tool\QuickNotes Tool\QuickNotes tool - Tier 1.ps1"