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Overriding managed version json maven dependency

I am trying to migrate a project from springMVC to spring boot. I have used my parent pom version as

    <relativePath />

I would not like to use spring-boot 2.0.X and later but when i am importing org.json dependency i.e


its getting managed to 20140107 which is an old version.

org.json json 20140107

The following are my dependencies in pom.xml:

    <!-- <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 
        </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>    
        <version>1.3.8.RELEASE</version> </dependency> -->

    <!-- -->

How do i make sure that the project only picks up the latest version(i.e. 2018 version) rather than the old version(2014)? I would like to use boot parent versions less than 2. I get the error as "Overriding managed version 20140107 for json". Thanks,


  • To override the org.json dependency managed by Spring Boot simply add a json.version property instead of what you are trying now. (See alsothis section of the Spring Boot reference guide).


    Now Spring Boot will use this version. (For versions and properties you can override check the pom.xml of the Spring Boot Dependencies project on GitHub)

    Next to that your dependencies are a bit of a mess. You are using conflicting versions in your pom.xml I strongly suggest a cleanup of your pom.xml.


    As you are now using the proper way of overriding a dependency version you can remove all the nasty excludes. Next to that JMS is already included through the spring-boot-starter-activemq and instead of a single security dependency you should be using the spring-boot-starter-security dependency. All the test dependencies are available through spring-boot-starter-test.

    What I haven't fixed :

    • you seem to combine 3 versions of Apache POI (trouble waiting to happen).
    • You also appear to be using Jersey, recommended to use the spring-boot-starter-jersey instead of what you have now
    • There appear to be 2 versions of Apache Commons HttpClient on the path.