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PHP problems with scandir function


//The name of the folder.
$dir = 'images';
//Get a list of all of the file names in the folder.
$arraydir = scandir($dir, 2);

//Loop through the file list.
foreach ($arraydir as $key => $value) { 

Array outputs:

Array ( [0] => . 
        [1] => .. 
        [2] => ana.png 
        [3] => ban.png 
        [4] => ing.png 
        [5] => maca.png 
        [6] => no.png 
        [7] => pret.png )

Warning: unlink(ana.png): No such file or directory in C:\phpdesktop- chrome-57.0-rc-php-7.1.3\www\dirdel.php on line 10

To investigate the error, I also tried something like:

require 'images/';


Warning: require(C:\phpdesktop-chrome-57.0-rc-php-7.1.3\www\images): failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\phpdesktop-chrome-57.0-rc- php-7.1.3\www\dirdel.php on line 2

I want to delete the file "ana.png" represented by: "$arraydir[2]" (the file is found in www/images)

I already searched in several places, but I did not find anything, that help me to fix this problem.

Is there any solution for this?

Alternatives are valid, as long as they respect the structure of the arrays:

Array ( [0] => . 
        [1] => .. 
        [2] => ana.png 
        [3] => ban.png 
        [4] => ing.png 
        [5] => maca.png 
        [6] => no.png 
        [7] => pret.png )

Thanks for your attention.


  • Actually if you run your code you'll always unlink only index 2 of your array. You have to make use of the variables and references that you are using in your foreach loop. I suggest you try the below mentioned code:

        //The name of the folder.
        $dir = 'images';
        //Get a list of all of the file names in the folder.
        $arraydir = scandir($dir, 2);
        //Loop through the file list.
        foreach ($arraydir as $key => $value) {
            if ($arraydir[$key] == 'ana.png' && file_exists($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $arraydir[$key])) {
                unlink($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $arraydir[$key]);

    Hope this helps.