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Cloudera installation failure

I am trying to install Cloudera on Centos7, when I install it using the command sudo ./cloudera-manager-installer.bin, it shows the message that Install error

Cloudera Manager 5 is already installed. please uninstall it (by running /usr/share/cmf/ before attempting to install it again.

When I try uninstalling it by running sudo /usr/share/cmf/ , it showsenter image description here

No such file or directory

I tried uninstalling everything using the script, sudo yum remove 'cloudera-manager-*'

and then removed the guid file:

sudo rm /var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/cm_guid

And tried reinstalling it, but it still shows the same Fatal error meesage as seen above. Can someone please help?


  • I removed the folder cmf using rm -rf /usr/share/cmf and its working, thanks.