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Capture airflow run duration

I have a requirement to gather run duration (time) for the last 3 months, for a particular airflow job.

In our CDE environment we use airflow to call spark DBT jobs, of late the run duration of job have increased drastically. I assume there would be a way to gather this jobs runtime duration for further analysis etc. Hoping for some assistance / guidance in getting his done.

CDP Public Cloud / CDE Version - 1.19.3-b29


Capturing details via CDE UI is not feasible hence want to know of other methods to get this required information


  • Task duration is available in Airflow GUI, in the Grid view, when you click the task name (the row) on the left, as shown in Airflow docs here:

    enter image description here

    If that is not enough (i.e. you need it for a very long period, or filter out some runs, ...), then you could also go directly to the airflow metadata db, and query the task_instance table - ERD schema of the db here: Be careful if trying this though - make sure you know what you are doing first, to not mess up your airflow. Preferably connect in a readonly session.

    Edit: just noticed you are using Airflow in Cloudera - I don't have experience with that, just with Airflow directly. But if you can access your airflow, then my answer should still apply